Monday 2 May 2016

Evaluation Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for The Man With The Wooden Shadow will be the older ages of the teenage spectrum. This is because I believe 15 onwards is the age where people start to become more aware of mental illnesses and how they can affect people around them. However, our film doesn't contain any strong language or violent scenes so it could be applicable to other ages but I think they wouldn't be able to grasp the full concept of the film. Also, our film doesn't apply to any particular gender, mostly because the theme of our film isn't specific to a gender as the contents of it can affect anyone.

I feel that our film would allow members of the audience to connect and relate to it on a personal level. This is because our film deals with sensitive topics, which the audience may use to research mental illnesses to help gain a better understanding of them. Some members of the audience may use the film for immediate gratification. They would enjoy watching the film purely for the thrill rather than the meaning behind it.

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