Tuesday 19 April 2016

Audience Uses and Gratification and Categorisation of our Thriller Task

Audiences can relate to a piece of media in many ways. They may use it to feel some kind of release from their lives, or just to get some kind of use out of the piece.

Our thriller task will apply to the BBFC ratings at 15. We believe this is the appropriate rating because at 15, teenagers become increasingly aware of the issues surrounding mental illnesses, which this film could ultimately be viewed as portraying.

 We decided on 15 rated and not 12 or 12A because we believe our film will include scenes of violence which aren't appropriate for under 15s. On the other hand we don't believe that the film should be rated at 18 as this would limit the audience for the film. Also, our film doesn't include strong language or horror, meaning that we would be limiting our films possible success rate without meaning to do so.

We believe that "The Man With The Wooden Shadow" would come under the 'personal identity' and the 'entertainment' category in Blumer and Katz's theory. This is because our audience will watch the film and  possibly connect to the story line on a personal level. Its possible that some of the audience will just watch the film for their own pure entertainment rather than using it for personal uses but much more for immediate gratification.

 We don't believe that the Hypodermic Needle Theory could be applied to our film because the audience is capable of understanding the content of the film, which would then lead them to comprehend what is being represented. In contrast, there may be viewers that develop the incorrect idea about people struggling with mental illnesses. This could be avoided by simply giving a definition and/or explanation of mental illnesses at the beginning of the film and also giving a warning of what the film is going to contain.

Our film is mainly aimed at a  niche audience. This is because there could be a small audience who will go and watch the film purely based on the contents of the film relating to their own interested rather than the trailer. We believe that the audience that watches our film would be of an a-typical standard which could, in rare cases, make the feedback for our film positively biased.

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