Monday 25 January 2016

Thriller Task Pitch

The man with the wooden shadow

Mystery thriller

90 minutes (this is so that it gets to the climax of the film quicker so that viewer don't become bored or disconnected from the film, if the film is too long viewers will become bored and won't connect to the characters)

 my film will be aimed at people who enjoy mystery thrillers, they will be aged between 15-25 years of age. We believe that this is an appropriate age range for the film because younger people might not fully understand the complicated context of the film e.g. why it's only the girl who can see the man
Story Line:
there are two friends on there way home and they're beginning to run late so they decide to take the short cut through the woods. However, the sun is beginning to set and its getting dark so they start to run through the woods. The girl begins to get invested in the running, believing that it has become a game. Her friend, who is male, starts to become short of breath and begins to fall behind as he cannot keep up with the pace of her friend. The girl starts to become overwhelmed with excitement as she believes that it is a game. As she gets lost in the game, she goes in the wrong direction and ultimately ends up running out into an open field, where she suddenly stops in her tracks. She embraces the crisp cold air and all of the sounds she is hearing. There is music which begins to create a mysterious are and her eyes are fixed on one point across the field there is a black figure standing deadly still, with his hood up and his face barely visible. By now the moon has come up and the night has fallen. The moon is lighting up the small amount of flesh that we can see on his face, a shadow is falling across the rest of his face. Finally the boy has caught up with his friend and he walks slowly up by her side, still out of breath, he bends over leaning on his knees and says "what are you looking at?" she doesn't reply to this, so he says "you went the wrong way, Charlotte we need to leave". He stands and waits for her however she doesn't move, he says "what are you doing, we're going home", without moving a muscle she says "no wait".
Her eyes still locked on the figure, she starts to slowly walk towards the black figure in the distance. Her friends looks at her with a confused expression on his face. The figure turns around and walks back into the woods, she screams, "WAIT" at him and starts to run towards him. Her friend shouts to her "there is nothing there, we need to leave, NOW". She turns to her friend and says "no. He was there, I saw him". The girl starts to turn around, frantically looking for the figure. Her friend pulls on her arm several times and pulls her back towards the woods. He says, "we need to leave. right now!". She replies with a simple and short "okay" still looking back, she is guided back into the woods.

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