Tuesday 3 November 2015

Final Finished Edition of our preliminary task

This is the link to our preliminary task.
We have finished planning, recording, editing and exporting our film. The editing process took a while but that was because we had never used the editing software before, which was premier pro.
So while we were editing we were also still learning how to use the software. For our first production I don't think we did too bad.

Storyboards for our preliminary task

Those are our storyboards for our preliminary task, this shows how we aim to be recording our film and how it will be set out. It is also helpful to use this for reference if we decide something doesn't work and we wish to change something. we can look at this and see what areas were good and which areas were not.

Shot Types

                                          Here is an establishing shot, with a person (me)
                                          stood in the middle to show how small they are
                                          compared to her surroundings.            
                                          Here is a long shot, this shows what is behind the
                                          wall, usually there would be a person stood behind
                                          to show their scared emotion of not knowing what
                                          is behind the corner, possibly danger.
                                          Here is a tilt shot, this is used to show speed or
                                          an unsettled mood. You can use this shot to create
                                          atmosphere for the audience.

Preliminary task

Our preliminary task is called the domination. 

It's basically about a spy who tries to hack into the school system but is then stopped by a member of the CIA.
We filmed it successfully, and are in the process of editing it. It took longer to film it when we expected because we had to keep switching room we originally filmed in because when we went back to them they were always taken.

Also continuity was a bit of an issue in our film but not a lot because it wasn't that noticeable. we had good match on action and it flowed nicely.

Friday 18 September 2015

Preliminary Task Group 18/9/15

Today we got into groups for our preliminary task. Our group consists of three people. 

Sophie will be the main actress. Laura is the other actress that will be completing the dialog with Sophie. I will be doing some of the camera work as well as Laura. We will split responsibilities when it comes to editing and will most likely all be there when out video is being edited so we all get a say in how it is edited.

The preliminary task will be focused and based on continuity. We will be aiming to produce a short piece of film where two actors exchange some dialog and we will try to get it to run as smoothly as possible.

Sunday 13 September 2015

Hello, I'm Courtney and this is my blog.

I don't really have any previous experience which involve media, but I hope to gain a lot of experience this year. I have quite a bit of interest in music videos and action films. I think that it is the stunts in the action films that interest me the most, it makes me wonder how they can make it look so realistic and how they can get it to run so smoothly. I also have quite a bit of an interest in film editing. Like how they can film different scenes month apart but get them to fit so well.

My favourite genre of film is either comedy or animated. I don't have a favourite film  because there are too many to choose from.

This year I'm looking forward to being able to shoot my own short film, I'll enjoy having a lot of freedom with this task. I'm a little nervous to edit them though, I think it'll be complicated at first but after a while I'm sure I'll get the hand of it.

Our first task was to take a couple of shots around the school ground and but them in a sequence and to try and come up with a little scenario for them.